Happy International Women’s Day! Us women do a lot in this world. We’re moms, best friends, boss ladies, wives, and everything else under the sun, or at least it feels that way! Doing all of this can sometimes leave our bodies not feeling/working the way they used to. Escially when it comes to vaginal health. Which is where our innovative DiVa Laser Therapy comes to save the day!
What is DiVa Laser Therapy?
DiVa Laser Therapy is a laser resurfacing procedure for the improvement of vaginal tissue. The treatment is quick, requires no downtime, and is customizable.

What does DiVa Laser Therapy do?
The Diva LAser is used for vaginal tightening, impoved moisture, and relief of urinary incontinence. It requires a minimum of three treatments, done one month apart, and then touched up once a year after. The amazing result is an increase in thickeness, elasticity, moisture, and sexual satisfaction. The DiVa can also resolve problems with urine leakage during exercising, laughing, and coughing.
Who should be considering DiVa Laser Therapy?
For the most part, two major life events can often lead to people wanting to receive DiVa Laser Therapy.
1) Childbirth. Natural childbirth stretches the vaginal canal and the surrounding tissue. Although the body can heal naturally, we often find that vaginal tissue never returns to what it used to be
2) Menopause. Menopause and other events like hysterectomy and chemotherapy, can result in a decrease of estrogen. This causes thinning and drying of the vaginal walls.

Transformed Med Spa is proud to be recognized as a Sapphire Level Center of Excellence for the Advancement of Women’s Health. In honor of Women’s History Month, we are offering a complimentary package of DiVaTyte treatments with your purchase of 3 DiVa treatments. Click HERE to book.